James Rollins & Grant Blackwood, Livestream

War Hawk

There was a lot of laughter during the discussion of War Hawk by James Rollins and Grant Blackwood. With Livestream, you get the chance to feel as if you were there. Here’s the link so you can join the audience. – https://livestream.com/poisonedpen/events/5127411

And, there’s a lot of conversation about dogs because Kane is a working dog.

If you would like to order a signed copy of War Hawk, with a collectible dog tag while they’re still available, you can do that through The Poisoned Pen. https://bit.ly/1SXFDMc

A Note from James Rollins

James Rollins and Grant Blackwood were just at The Pen to discuss and sign the second Tucker Wayne novel, War Hawk.

War Hawk

Actually, the books feature Former Army Ranger Tucker Wayne and his war dog, Kane, so, with the purchase of a book, we’re including the special collectible dog tag created for the book.

And, we have a note from James Rollins to share here.

Sigma is again going to the dogsor at least to one dog in particular.
WAR HAWK heralds the return of Captain Tucker Wayne and his military war dog, Kane. I first encountered such a unique pair while on a USO tour to Iraq and Kuwait. Out in that sandbox, I got a chance to observe these fighting teams in action. I heard one phrase over and over againit runs down the lead—describing how over time a dog and handler learn to read each other’s body language, to understand each other beyond mere gesture or spoken command. It was such a unique bond that I wanted to honor it in print. This led to the creation of Tucker and Kane.
Over the years, I’ve grown to love this pair (and I hope you do, too). In this latest story, I got the opportunity to explore Tucker and Kane’s bond in more depth, thrusting them into a global adventure that will test their skills to an extreme. I also wanted to explore their past in this book, a past that will crash land on their doorstep and expose them to a threat tied to the upper echelons of the U.S. government. Hunted and betrayed at every turn, Tucker and Kane must race against time to stop a threat—one ripped from today’s headlines—that could change the face of warfare for all time.
I hope you enjoy the wild ride—and the shocking truth at the core of this story!
—James Rollins
Would you like to see a preview? https://bit.ly/1ThsXSX
You can order a signed copy here. https://bit.ly/1SXFDMc
And, we’ll have a Livestream event for you to watch in a day or so. 

Theakston’s Old Peculiar Crime Novel Longlist

I love the lists from crime novel nominations. I may not have read them, but it gives me a chance to see what I might have missed. Today’s list comes from The Guardian. It’s the longlist of crime novels up for this year’s Theakston’s Old Peculiar crime novel of the year. I’m sure you’ll recognize names such as Ann Cleeves, Val McDermid, Stuart MacBride. Then, there’s that one named Robert Galbraith, the focus of the article. The winner won’t be announced until July 21, so you have time to pick up books from the list. Check it out!


Career of Evil

A Best Seller Thank You

Steve Berry. Stuart Woods. Jacqueline Winspear. Laurie R. King. They’ve all been at The Poisoned Pen in the last month. They’re also here – https://nyti.ms/23R1kVN

We hope you continue to enjoy the chance to meet and hear the authors. In the next month, you’ll have the opportunity to meet James Rollins, John Sandford, Robyn Carr, Diana Gabaldon, Nevada Barr, Craig Johnson, and so many other authors. And, if you can’t get to The Pen, we’re always happy to send autographed books to you. You can find suggestions, and search for your favorite authors at the store. https://store.poisonedpen.com

As Barbara Peters says, one purchase a month keeps the authors coming, and the bookstore here. Since I’m no longer in Arizona, I know what a wonderful opportunity it is to meet bestselling and upcoming authors. Sometimes,  The Poisoned Pen offers the opportunity to discover a new author, one who may become a favorite. Whether you come to the store to hear the authors, or buy the books and watch the Livestream events, we’re happy you’re making your favorite authors into Best Sellers.


Jacqueline Winspear, On the Rise

Journey to Munich

Thanks to Nora Rawlinson of EarlyWord (www.earlyword.com), for the following note about Jacqueline Winspear’s Journey to Munich.

“Jacqueline Winspear can celebrate as well. Her newest, Journey to Munich (Harper/ HarperLuxe; HarperAudio), hits its highest spot on the USA TODAY list, landing at #6…

This is the 12th book in the Maisie Dobbs mystery series and USA TODAY has tracked its rise, reporting the “series has steadily been building a fan base. An Incomplete Revenge, the first to make USA TODAY‘s list, peaked at No. 134 in 2008; last year’s A Dangerous Place landed at No. 13.”

We have signed copies of the hardcover, as well as the large print and audio versions of Journey to Munich, if you’re interested.  https://bit.ly/1SzvrZO



Fashion Friday with The Poisoned Pen

When Laurie R. King appeared at The Poisoned Pen to discuss her new book, The Murder of Mary Russell, we had a fashion show that featured dresses from the Victorian era and the ’20s, the time periods covered in King’s books. We thought it would be fun to share a few of those fashions.

Fashion Friday 2
The Dressing Room
Fashion Friday Barbara and Laurie
Barbara Peters in Victorian garb, with author Laurie R. King
Fashion Friday interview
Barbara Peters and Laurie R. King
Fashion Friday 6
Some of the models
Fashion Friday, The 20s
Modeling the ’20s clothes
Fashion Friday models
All of the models and the author, Laurie R. King

Even some of the audience members came in costume for the program and book signing.

Fashion Friday customers

If we’ve enticed you by the fashions related to the period, you can still pick up a signed copy of Laurie R. King’s The Murder of Mary Russell.


Hot Book of the Week (9)

News from: Carolyn Hart

Occasionally, authors send us news that we’re happy to pass on to readers. Congratulations to Carolyn Hart, author of Don’t Go Home, for this news.

Don't Go Home

“I love booksellers, especially independent booksellers…. I am thrilled to announce that DON’T GO HOME, now available in paperback, has received a great honor from the Southern Independent Booksellers Association. Don’t Go Home is included in the short list for the Beach Music Prize (named in honor of Pat Conroy) for best mystery of 2015. The other titles are by wonderful authors I admire.


“In DON’T GO HOME, a bestselling author comes home to the island and announces he will reveal the inspiration for his characters, which are based on the lives of people he knows. Annie Darling’s good friend Marian Kenyon has a secret she is determined to keep. When he is murdered, Annie helps Marian investigate even though Annie promised Max she wouldn’t delve into danger.

“There will be a new Death on Demand in spring 2017: WALKING ON MY GRAVE. Annie and Max Darling know a murder is planned. Can they save the victim?”

Congratulations, Carolyn!

These are all the books shortlisted for the mystery or thriller prize.

The Beach Music Mystery Prize

Miss Julia Lays Down the Law by Ann B. Ross (Viking, 9780525427094)
A Pattern of Lies by Charles Todd (William Morrow & Company, 9780062386243)
Bull Mountain by Brian Panowich (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 9780399173967)
Don’t Go Home by Carolyn Hart (Berkley Books, 9780425276549)
Lowcountry Boneyard by Susan M. Boyer (Henery Press, 9781941962473)

The Lords of Discipline Thriller Prize

Where All the Light Tends to Go by David Joy (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 9780399172779)
The Bone Tree by Greg Iles (William Morrow & Company, 9780062311115)
Descent by Tim Johnston (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 9781616204778)
Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham (Doubleday Books, 9780385539432)
The Scribe by Matthew Guinn (W.W. Norton & Company, 9780393239294)

These may be prizes given by the Southern Independent Booksellers Association (SIBA), but you can purchase any of these books through The Poisoned Pen.


Steve Berry at The Poisoned Pen

How popular is Steve Berry? This is an entire wall of signed copies of his latest Cotton Malone novel, The 14th Colony, as shown by Berry and Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen.

Steve Berry wall

If you haven’t heard one of Peters’ interviews with an author, they’re insightful, as she queries authors about their books, without spoiling the book for readers.

Steve Berry and Barbara Peters

And, it was quite an audience that showed up for the Pen’s program with Steve Berry.

Steve Berry audience

If you missed the program, you can still see it via our Livestream program.


We would love to have you order a signed copy of Berry’s The 14th Colony. He signed a few of them, as you saw.


Hot Book of the Week (10)


Epic Fantasy Authors Staveley and Sykes

You do know The Poisoned Pen is more than a mystery bookstore, don’t you? In fact, The Poisoned Pen is a general bookstore that hosts hundreds of authors a year.

Recently, epic fantasy authors Brian Staveley and Sam Sykes signed their newest books here.

The trilogy that began with The Emperor’s Blades and continued in The Providence of Fire reaches its epic conclusion with The Last Mortal Bond, the final volume in the Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne series.

And, Sam Sykes discussed and signed Mortal Tally, the second in his Bring Down Heaven series.

So, don’t just think of us as a mystery bookstore. Think of us as the place to order and buy fantasy titles as well. We’re mystery, and more.