Laurie R. King: The Accidental Traveler


     I’m thrilled Laurie R. King is our guest today sharing a bit of Japan with us. Even more thrilled and excited that she’s written Dreaming Spies, a new Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes book. Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes are on the steamer Thomas Carlyle, bound for Japan. Aboard the ship, intrigue stirs almost immediately. Holmes recognizes the famous clubman the Earl of Darley, whom he suspects of being an occasional blackmailer: not an unlikely career choice for a man richer in social connections than in pounds sterling. And then there’s the lithe young Japanese woman who befriends Russell and quotes haiku. Haruki Sato agrees to tutor the couple in Japanese language and customs, but Russell can’t shake the feeling that the young woman is not who she claims to be.

     Once in Japan, Russell’s suspicions are confirmed in a most surprising way. From the Imperial Palace in Tokyo to Oxford’s venerable Bodleian Library, Russell and Holmes race to solve a mystery involving a small book with enormous implications of international extortion, espionage, and shocking secrets that, if revealed, could spark revolution—and topple an empire


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Diana Gabaldon and The Poisoned Pen present our first joint Writers in Residence Program Charles Finch February 21-28

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Diana Gabaldon and The Poisoned Pen present our first joint Writers in Residence Program
Charles Finch February 21-28
Charles Finch will spend a week in Scottsdale hosting author events (Laurie R. King, Priscilla Royal, Tessa Arlen), do an event for his own work in Peoria February 26 6:30 PM, and teach two Writer’s Workshops: call 480 947 2074 or 888 560 9919 to register.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 22 2:00-5:00 PM at The Pen

$50. Registration required.Limited to 30 participants

Getting Your Novel Off the Ground

Charles Finch will offer an introduction to getting a novel started – the basic elements of story, character, and planning that are necessary to take a book from your mind to the page. A sample of between 500 and 1200 words, preferably from a first chapter; a one-page synopsis.


With a follow up from 3:30-4:30 PM after the scheduled author event with Jeffery Deaver and Francine Mathews

$50. Registration required. Limited to 30 participants

Story Structure Masterclass

Drawing on the proven techniques of the novel and the screenplay, this three-hour workshop from author Charles Finch will offer an in-depth examination on the mechanics of storytelling, and how they can improve your novel.

Charles Finch is the bestselling author of the Charles Lenox mystery novels, set in Victorian England and nominated for the Nero and Agatha Awards-the latest is The Laws of Murder(St Martins $25.99)-as well as a standalone literary novel about a group of students at Oxford, The Last Enchantments (St Martins $24.99). He regularly writes about books for The New York Times, Slate, USA Today, and the Chicago Tribune, his hometown newspaper.

Join JA Jance for the 4th Annual BOOKS “˜N LUNCH, a fundraiser for P.E.O., on Saturday, March 7, 2015, 11:30AM at Christ Presbyterian Church 925 N. Sarival Avenue, Goodyear, AZ 85338

Chapter DM, P.E.O.

Investing in the Future of Women’s Education

4th Annual




Featuring New York Times Bestselling Author

J.A. Jance


Release of NEW book “COLD BETRAYAL”

Featuring fan-favorite Ali Reynolds


Author of:     

Ali Reynolds series

J.P. Beaumont series

    Joanna Brady series

 4 interrelated Southwestern thrillers


Saturday, March 7, 2015, 11:30AM

Christ Presbyterian Church

925 N. Sarival Avenue, Goodyear, AZ 85338

$25.00 per person

Present ticket for admittance

Ticket sales from Jan 15 to Feb 28, 2015

For tickets contact Sandy Garvey 623-518-9727,

Susan Evans 623-535-1379 (Evenings only)

or Jackie Abel 623-535-7426

Cash/checks only for tickets, books and drawings


(Philanthropic Educational Organization)

Providing educational opportunities for women