Dan Fesperman in The New York Times

Dan Fesperman, author of The Letter Writer, will be here at The Poisoned Pen on Thursday, May 19 at 7 PM. He’s joined by Alex Grecian, author of Lost and Gone Forever. Did you see Marilyn Stasio’s review of The Letter Writer in The New York Times Book Review on April 29? She calls the novel “dynamic”, and says, “Fesperman’s prose is almost photographic, creating vignettes saturated with color and humming with life.”

You can read the entire review here. https://nyti.ms/1sgicrh

If you can’t be here Thursday night, you can still order a signed copy.


Letter Writer

Midnight Launch – Preston & Child

The Poisoned Pen had a special midnight launch for Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child’s new book, Beyond the Ice Limit. The fourth Gideon Crew book was released today.

Beyond the Ice Limit

So, our Livestream event actually was timed to coincide with release date. You can watch Lincoln Child, Douglas Preston and Barbara Peters talk about it.


If you would like to order the book, you can do it right here. https://bit.ly/1ODihja

IMPORTANT: Every copy of BEYOND THE ICE LIMIT purchased from the Poisoned Pen bookstore site automatically comes with a free, 5″ x 7″ color photograph of the authors, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, which they have personally autographed. The authors are signing these photographs instead of signing the books themselves. Global shipping is available.  


Book Expo America – A Teaser

I just returned from Book Expo America, the largest annual book trade show in the U.S. I’m sharing a few photos from BEA, but, for you, the books and authors are teasers. The authors are there to talk about their forthcoming books, so you’ll have to wait to read them. But, you’ll be able to get the books through The Poisoned Pen.

Remember when Robyn Carr was here a few weeks ago? Her novel, The Life She Wants, comes out in September. Her publisher had a banner for it at the show.

Robyn Carr's banner

Justin Cronin was there, signing copies of The City of Mirrors, book three of The Passage Trilogy. It’s due out soon, if you would like to order copies. https://bit.ly/25aGvc3

Michael Harvey’s books have been set in Chicago. Now, with Brighton, he’s moving the setting to Boston. That’s me (Lesa) in the photo with Michael. I met him years ago at The Poisoned Pen.

And, Louise Penny. Louise was one of the four speakers at the Adult Authors’ Breakfast. She brought the audience to tears. Her new Armand Gamache mystery, A Great Reckoning, is due out August 30th.

Watch for these books in a few months. We hope you’ll think of The Poisoned Pen when it’s time to pick up your copies.

The Enchanted Garden at Winterthur

Today, we have some beautiful pictures to share. These are from Winterthur, the Dupont Estate in Delaware’s Brandywine Valley. It’s the Enchanted Garden. It might be fun to share the photos with the children in your life, and talk about this enchanted world. Pictures are courtesy of Barbara Peters.

Botanicals - Witch's house in the enchanted forest
The Witch’s House from the Enchanted Forest
Botancials - Witches' house 2
The Witch’s House


Botanicals - Magical Toadstools
The Magical Toadstools in the Enchanted Forest
Botanicals - Magic Toadstools 2
The Magic Toadstools
Botanicals - Maypole
A Maypole in the Enchanted Garden
Botanicals - Maypole 2
The Maypole
Botanicals - Upside down tree
The Upside-down Tree in the Enchanted Forest
Botanicals - The Story Corner
Wouldn’t you love to spend time in the Story Corner?
Botanicals  Bird's nest for kids
The Bird’s Nest even has eggs for kids
Botanicals Azalea Woods
This is part of the Azalea Woods. Aren’t they stunning?

Botanicals Azaleas 2

Botanicals Azaleas 3

Botanicals Old Growth

Botanicals Bluebell Woods
From The Bluebell Woods

We hope you enjoyed the enchanting tour of Winterthur’s gardens.

Ace Atkins & Spenser

Ace Atkins is the current author of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser novels. He recently appeared at The Poisoned Pen to discuss the latest book in the series, Robert B. Parker’s Slow Burn.


The audience turned out to hear Atkins talk about writing about the beloved character, Spenser.

Ace's audience

Ace Atkins and bookstore owner Barbara Peters discussed the books, and fielded questions from the audience.

Ace and Barbara

One man who came for the signing seems particularly happy to get Ace Atkins’ signature.

Ace and young man

If you’d like a signed copy as well, they’re available through the website –https://bit.ly/1snVRIX

Elevengedden & The 2015 Nebula Awards

Elevengedden is coming June 1, a multi-author SciFi event hosted by Kevin Hearne. Here are the details. https://bit.ly/1TDjXFq

So, if you’re excited about that event, you may be interested in the 2015 Nebula Awards, presented today in Chicago. Here are the winners.


Winner: Uprooted, Naomi Novik (Del Rey)


Winner: Binti, Nnedi Okorafor (Tor.com)


Winner: “˜”˜Our Lady of the Open Road”, Sarah Pinsker (Asimov’s 6/15)

Short Story:

Winner: “˜”˜Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers”, Alyssa Wong (Nightmare 10/15)

Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation

Winner: Mad Max: Fury Road, Written by George Miller, Brendan McCarthy, Nick Lathouris

Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy:

Winner: Updraft, Fran Wilde (Tor)

C. J. Cherryh is the 32nd Damon Knight Grand Master.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Unknown History & Agatha Christie

Have you heard the podcast Unknown History yet?  Quick and Dirty Tips now brings us Unknown History, a new podcast for history buffs and those of us who appreciate a fun, quirky story. One of those stories is “The Mysterious Disappearance of Agatha Christie”, https://bit.ly/1VVE2fY

The story is excerpted from When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain by Giles Milton, which is the basis for the Unknown History podcast. We can order the book, if you’re interested. https://bit.ly/1NTAaEF

“Agatha Christie never spoke about the missing eleven days of her life and over the years there has been much speculation about what really happened. What did Christie tell reporters about her disappearance?” To find out the answer, listen to the full episode of the new podcast, Unknown History, on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. – See more at: https://bit.ly/1SKkWWW

Playbill’s Murders in Musical Theatre

This is just too good not to share. Playbill recently ran an article by Talaura Harms and David Gewirtzman called “An Illustrated Guide to Methods of Murder in Musical Theatre”. It’s a fun tour through ten musicals, everything from “Sweeney Todd” to the recent hit, “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder”. Check it out!
