Gin Phillips & Fierce Kingdom

Gin Phillips, author of Fierce Kingdom, will be at The Poisoned Pen on Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 7 PM. You can pre-order a signed copy through the Web Store.

Fierce Kingdom

Here’s the description of the book.

“Expertly made thriller . . . clever and irresistible.” —The New York Times

An electrifying novel about the primal and unyielding bond between a mother and her son, and the lengths she’ll go to protect him.

The zoo is nearly empty as Joan and her four-year-old son soak up the last few moments of playtime. They are happy, and the day has been close to perfect. But what Joan sees as she hustles her son toward the exit gate minutes before closing time sends her sprinting back into the zoo, her child in her arms. And for the next three hours—the entire scope of the novel—she keeps on running.

Joan’s intimate knowledge of her son and of the zoo itself—the hidden pathways and under-renovation exhibits, the best spots on the carousel and overstocked snack machines—is all that keeps them a step ahead of danger.

A masterful thrill ride and an exploration of motherhood itself—from its tender moments of grace to its savage power—Fierce Kingdom asks where the boundary is between our animal instinct to survive and our human duty to protect one another. For whom should a mother risk her life?


Curious? Jennifer Senior discussed Fierce Kingdom in her article in “Books of the Times” for The New York Times. Check out “Hunted at the Zoo in Fierce Kingdom“.

Hot Book of the Week – Marcia Muller’s The Color of Fear

Marcia Muller’s latest Sharon McCone mystery, The Color of Fear, is the Hot Book of the Week at The Poisoned Pen. You can pre-order a signed copy through the Web Store.

Color of Fear

Here’s the description of the book.

In New York Times bestselling author Marcia Muller’s captivating new mystery, private detective Sharon McCone’s investigation hits closer to home than ever before…


When a knock on the door in the middle of the night wakes Sharon, she’s wholly unprepared for the horrifying news: her father has been the victim of a vicious, racially-motivated attack.

A nationally recognized Shoshone artist, Elwood had been visiting Sharon for the holidays, browsing for gifts in San Francisco’s exclusive Marina district when he was set upon by a mob of angry young men. Now he lies in a coma, hovering between life and death.

With little progress on the investigation from the overworked, short-handed police, Sharon resolves to track down Elwood’s attackers herself. But when Sharon begins receiving hate-filled, racist threats from a shadowy group, it becomes clear that her pursuit of justice may be putting her own life in jeopardy…

Linda Fairstein & Marcia Clark in Conversation

How can any photo top this one from the Poisoned Pen evening when Linda Fairstein discussed her new Alex Cooper book, Deadfall,  with Marcia Clark?

A Toast – Marcia Clark on left, Linda Fairstein on right

Signed copies of Fairstein’s Deadfall are available through the Web Store.


Here’s the description of the book.

Hunting a killer within New York’s urban jungle becomes the biggest case of Alexandra Cooper’s career in New York Times bestselling author Linda Fairstein’s latest riveting thriller.

A wild heart beats within New York City. Amid concrete and skyscrapers, the Wildlife Conservation Society works to preserve and protect the animal kingdom both within and beyond the borders of the five boroughs. But dangerous creatures don’t always have claws and fangs, as Assistant DA Alexandra Cooper and NYPD detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace know all too well. Predators lurk close to home, and in the aftermath of the shocking assassination of an iconic public figure—someone Alex has worked with for years—the trio must unravel the motive behind the shooting to discover who is the bigger snake: the killer or the victim.

The murder investigation provides more questions than answers, as a tangled mess of secrets slowly comes to light. From street gangs to secret societies, from big-game hunting to the illegal animal trade, from New York City zoos to the highest offices in city government, Alex has her work cut out for her—especially since the task force handling the investigation, led by the US Attorney, seems to be more against her than with her. As tensions rise between Alex and the feds, she must determine just how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth—and uphold the integrity of the office she has so proudly served.

Deadfall proves once again why Linda Fairstein is hailed as “a champion teller of detective tales” (USA Today).


Here are a few more photos from that evening to whet your appetite for other Poisoned Pen events. You really should come if you’re in the Phoenix area.

Linda Fairstein with a fan
Fairstein signing books
Marcia Clark signing books

If you didn’t make it to the program, though, you can watch it via The Poisoned Pen’s Facebook page.

Atkins & Bell @ The Poisoned Pen

J. Todd Scott, author of The Far Empty, recently interviewed Ace Atkins and David Bell at The Poisoned Pen. Atkins (The Fallen) and Bell (Bring Her Home) are on book tour.

You can order signed copies of the books through the Web Store.

The event was even an ice cream social at the bookstore.

The audience
Left to right – Ace Atkins (with ice cream) and J. Todd Scott
Left to right – Atkins, Scott and David Bell

Glen Erik Hamilton @ Poisoned Pen

In the Livestream of Glen Erik Hamilton’s appearance at The Poisoned Pen, Barbara Peters, owner of the bookstore, invited one of the employees, Patrick King, to ask Hamilton a question. I’m right there with Patrick. Hamilton’s previous books, Past Crimes and Hard Cold Winter are two of my favorite books of recent years.

The new Van Shaw novel is Every Day Above Ground. All three books are available through the Web Store.

Every Day Above Ground

Here are a few photos from the event.

Glen at PP 2
Barbara Peters and Glen Erik Hamilton
Glen at PP 3
Signing stock

Glen at PP

You can watch the interview on Livestream.  On the Livestream, you can also see Jeff Abbott discuss his latest book, Blame. Jeff’s not available to tour for this book because his house caught fire after it was struck by lightning. But, you can still order signed copies of the book.


Interview with J.C. Eaton

On Saturday, July 29 at 2 PM, The Poisoned Pen will host the couple that write under the name J.C. Eaton. Their first book together is Booked 4 Murder, available through the Web Store.

Booked 4 Murder

I recently had the chance to interview the Arizona couple.

J.C., would you introduce “yourselves”?

Hawaii 2013 018

Ann is a former teacher and middle school principal from upstate New York who got the writing bug early on with her time travel mysteries for teens. When she realized she could conquer her fear of heights and small, enclosed places by creating fearless characters, she took all the chances she could with her writing. In real life, she won’t even stay in a hotel room past the third floor!

Jim is a retired winery tasting room manager who also taught for a number of years at a vocational school. His background in construction, thanks to the U.S. Navy, really helped. Up until he and Ann paired up to become “J.C. Eaton,” Jim’s writing was mainly informational in the form of workshop materials about the wine industry.

Ann and Jim are both foster failures and have one Chiweenie dog and five (yes, Five!) cats. They also own two vacuum cleaners, three different mops and more Clorox wipes than Costco can stock in a month!

Tell us about Sophie Kimball and her mother.

Sophie (Phee) is a people pleaser but she’s also independent and somewhat acerbic in her approach to life. This makes for an interesting dynamic between her and her mother, Harriet Plunkett, who can best be described as a “steamroller.” When Harriet gets an idea in her head, there’s no stopping her, but Phee’s  learned how to manage her mother while still holding on to her sanity. She doesn’t give in on everything. One of our favorite scenes was the dumpster diving one that culminates with Phee throwing out her mother’s yellow plastic gloves, even though they can be re-used according to Harriet.

Without spoilers, tell us about Booked 4 Murder.

When the Booked 4 Murder book club in the retirement community of Sun City West, Arizona, began to read an obscure novel by an unknown author, they noticed a chilling pattern ““ one by one their club members were dropping like flies.  The ladies in the club became convinced the book was cursed.  And one lady, Harriet Plunkett, was certain her daughter, Sophie (Phee) Kimball, could get to the bottom of the matter by investigating.  Phee lived in Mankato, Minnesota and worked for the police department for over a decade. That was reason enough for Harriet to insist her daughter use her vacation time to investigate. Even though Phee was in accounts receivable, Harriet believed something must’ve rubbed off on her daughter.  Needless to say, Phee complies and the sleuthing begins.

Hyperbole clearly dominates the book. We wanted likeable and familiar characters that our readers could relate to, but needed to “˜stretch’ the limits with slapstick and acerbic humor as well.  The most fun for us was creating the dialogue and the crowd scenes. Oops, don’t want to spoil it.

On your website, you say you moved to Arizona and realized the community you were living in was the perfect background for murder mysteries. What made it perfect?

It was Jim who immediately noticed the potential about writing a cozy mystery set in Sun City West.  At one point he said to Ann, “This is an un-tapped gold mine. Have you ever really listened carefully to the conversations you hear in the dog park? We could take those, exaggerate them and come up with a hilarious murder mystery.”  Then, he pointed out something obvious ““ Sun City West is host to a zillion clubs ““ scrapbooking, knitting, sewing, painting, ceramics, zymurgy, karaoke, theater, square dancing, line dancing, tap dancing, tennis, pickle ball, and the list goes on and on… What if the couple was to stage a different mystery that focused on a particular club? Again, Jim said, “There’s enough fodder here to get us into the next decade.”

I lived in Arizona, so I recognized some of the locations in your book. Where do you like to take guests when they come to Arizona to visit?

Grand Canyon 012 (2)

The White Tank Mountains and Lake Pleasant are two of our favorite places. Also, the basement in the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in Wickenburg. They’ve actually re-created an entire nineteenth century western city ““ a must see!  Oh, and we really enjoy taking visitors to the creepy Mystery Castle in Phoenix.  

You’ve both written before, but not together. How do you share or split the writing duties?

It’s not exactly an even split but it does vary with each book.  Ditched 4 Murder is really Jim’s book. Ann says his “sticky fingers are all over it,” while Staged 4 Murder has her imprint on it. Jim is the one who comes up with the plotline and all its twists and turns. Ann likes to work on the descriptions. Both of us discuss where we’re headed next, do our own writing, get together, review it, modify it and re-write it together. The toughest obstacle for us was POV. Ann won out with first person but Jim didn’t sulk too long.

Tell us about your most interesting job before you started to write.

For Ann, it was the sixteen years she spent as a middle school principal in Geneva, New York.  She absolutely loved her students and their unbridled energy. Also their quirks and passions.

Even though Jim enjoyed his winery job, he got the biggest kick out of supervising the middle school dances with Ann every Friday night. That was their “night life.”

You may have different answers to this question. What authors inspired you?

For Ann ““ Charles Dickens, Daphne du Maurier , J.D. Salinger, Camilo Jose Cela

For Jim ““ Mark Twain, Clive Cussler, Robert B. Parker, Katherine Neville

You probably have different answers to this one as well. What were your favorite books as a child?

For Ann ““ Nancy Drew Mysteries of course! Plus, two out of print novels – The Pink Dress, and The City Under the Back Steps.  Also,  Anne of Green Gables.

For Jim ““ The Hardy Boys Mysteries, Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer

What are you working on now?

We’re currently writing The Wine Trail Mysteries, set in New York’s Finger Lakes. The first novel, A Riesling To Die, is set for release by Kensington in March 2018. Look for Norrie Ellington and Two Witches Winery! (Thank you, Kensington!)

We want our Sophie Kimball Mysteries to continue and have more planned.  

Also, we’ve got a new series in the works with Camel Press. Since our sleuth is a detective and not an amateur, it’s not really a cozy mystery but cozy enough for us.  

Thank you, Jim & Ann!


Linda Fairstein in Conversation

Linda Fairstein, author of the 19th Alex Cooper novel, Deadfall, will be at The Poisoned Pen event at the Doubletree Hilton, 5401 N. Scottsdale Rd., on Wednesday, July 26 at 7 PM. She’ll be joined by Marcia Clark. Signed copies of Deadfall, this week’s Hot Book, are available through the Web Store.


Here’s the summary of the book.

Hunting a killer within New York’s urban jungle becomes the biggest case of Alexandra Cooper’s career in New York Times bestselling author Linda Fairstein’s latest riveting thriller.

A wild heart beats within New York City. Amid concrete and skyscrapers, the Wildlife Conservation Society works to preserve and protect the animal kingdom both within and beyond the borders of the five boroughs. But dangerous creatures don’t always have claws and fangs, as Assistant DA Alexandra Cooper and NYPD detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace know all too well. Predators lurk close to home, and in the aftermath of the shocking assassination of an iconic public figure—someone Alex has worked with for years—the trio must unravel the motive behind the shooting to discover who is the bigger snake: the killer or the victim.

The murder investigation provides more questions than answers, as a tangled mess of secrets slowly comes to light. From street gangs to secret societies, from big-game hunting to the illegal animal trade, from New York City zoos to the highest offices in city government, Alex has her work cut out for her—especially since the task force handling the investigation, led by the US Attorney, seems to be more against her than with her. As tensions rise between Alex and the feds, she must determine just how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth—and uphold the integrity of the office she has so proudly served.

Deadfall proves once again why Linda Fairstein is hailed as “a champion teller of detective tales” (USA Today).


For a sneak preview of the program, and a little more, you might want to check out the CBS Sunday Morning interview with Lesley Stahl. Watch for the monthly meeting of crime fiction authors!

Fiona Barton & The Child

Fiona Barton, author of The Child, was just here at The Poisoned Pen to discuss and sign her book. You can still buy an autographed copy.


Here’s the description of the latest book by the author of The Widow.

One of the most highly anticipated thrillers of the year—as seen in People,Entertainment Weekly, Time, USA Today, Bustle, Good, HelloGiggles, The Boston Globe, PureWow, The Dallas Morning News, and more!

The Child is a perfect blend of beach read and book club selection. It’s a fascinating and fitting follow-up to [Barton’s] best-selling debut novel, The Widow. . . .[A] page-turning whodunit….A novel that is both fast-paced and thought-provoking, it keeps the reader guessing right to the end.”—USA Today

“Fiona Barton brings back reporter Kate Waters from the best-selling The Widow and delivers another winner with The Child.…A truly engaging tale. Those who enjoyed The Widow will discover that Barton has only gotten better.”—The Associated Press

“A lightning-paced, twisty story with an ending so surprising you might have to read it twice.”—

“Multiple narratives mean non-stop action in The Child…Like her fellow novelists, Fiona Barton knows showing is better than telling because it allows for the reader’s perspective…whether the conclusion occasions a shock or an ‘aha!’ doesn’t matter; it’s satisfying due to all the work that’s gone into its discovery.”—

The author of the stunning New York Times bestseller The Widow returns with a brand-new novel of twisting psychological suspense.

As an old house is demolished in a gentrifying section of London, a workman discovers a tiny skeleton, buried for years. For journalist Kate Waters, it’s a story that deserves attention. She cobbles together a piece for her newspaper, but at a loss for answers, she can only pose a question: Who is the Building Site Baby?

As Kate investigates, she unearths connections to a crime that rocked the city decades earlier: A newborn baby was stolen from the maternity ward in a local hospital and was never found. Her heartbroken parents were left devastated by the loss.

But there is more to the story, and Kate is drawn—house by house—into the pasts of the people who once lived in this neighborhood that has given up its greatest mystery. And she soon finds herself the keeper of unexpected secrets that erupt in the lives of three women—and torn between what she can and cannot tell…


See, Barton signed plenty of copies so that you can order one.

Fiona Barton

You can see part of the event on Livestream.

Or, you can go to The Poisoned Pen Bookstore on Facebook, and watch the event there.


Down a Dark Road with Linda Castillo

Linda Castillo was recently at The Poisoned Pen to discuss and sign her latest Kate Burkholder mystery, Down a Dark Road.

Down a Dark Road

Signed copies are available through the Web Store.

Here’s Linda signing copies of the book.


If you’re curious about the book, Gregory Cowles just wrote an article in The New York Times, “A Crime Writer Finds the ‘Perfect Setting” in Amish Country”.

Brad Thor, Bestseller & Live

Nicholas Kulish’s recent article in The New York Times takes readers “Inside the World of Brad Thor”,

Thor’s latest Scot Harvath adventure, Use of Force, is currently on the best seller list.

Use of Force

Signed copies are available through The Poisoned Pen’s Web Store.

Fans can read the article, but you might prefer to hear Thor interviewed by Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen. You can watch the recent bookstore event on Livestream.