Jack Carr discusses Only the Dead

In an illuminating virtual session hosted by The Poisoned Pen, acclaimed author Jack Carr, took center stage to discuss his latest work -and longest so far, Only The Dead. He also shared details of his transition from military service to a successful writing career. His journey underscores the importance of purpose, dedication, and the unwavering support of loved ones.

Drawing inspiration from Stephen Hunter‘s The 47th Samurai, Carr crafted a novel of truth and redemption, exploring multi-generational characters to enhance his stories. Carr’s remarkable narrative style and in-depth research have contributed to his novels’ success, opening doors to adaptations like a spin-off series for Amazon starring Chris Pratt and Taylor Kitsch.

The session, hosted by our founder, Barbara Peters, unveiled Carr’s distinctive writing process. Unlike conventional trends, Carr’s narrative is fueled by authenticity rather than market pressures. His books delve into decision-making, redemption, and the human psyche’s intricate layers. His process involves using a dedicated computer and email account solely for idea cultivation, an innovative approach that reflects his commitment to his craft.

Carr announced his upcoming venture into a new dimension, crafting a series of narrative nonfiction. His upcoming book delves into the 1983 Beirut Embassy bombing, a gripping story poised to captivate audiences with a unique blend of authenticity and revelation.

If you enjoyed this insight into Jack Carr‘s journey, we encourage you to share on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the latest news from your favorite authors.

James Patterson discusses Cross Down

In this exciting virtual event from The Poisoned Pen Bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona, renowned author James Patterson shared some insights about his latest book, Cross Down.

Patterson discussed the book’s origins, revealing it all began at the old Commodore Hotel in New York City and the suspense he felt after being told he won the Edgar Award for his first Alex Cross novel, thinking it was a hoax.

He also touched upon his collaboration with co-author Brendan Dubois and the process they go through to create their books. Patterson shared details about the storyline, including a retired CIA agent, Alex Cross, in Washington, D.C., dealing with jurisdictional disputes and a series of seemingly unrelated incidents.

Throughout the discussion, Patterson shared thought-provoking comments on themes such as trust, government, and societal divisions, and emphasized the importance of storytelling and research in his writing process.

In Patterson’s own words, “I’m not involved; I’m crazy involved.” He discussed the importance of keeping readers engaged and not letting the story become predictable. He also discusses his love for writing bookshots, which provide readers with a quick and accessible reading option.

Patterson also mentioned his involvement in various philanthropic efforts, including supporting independent bookstores and promoting reading among younger audiences.

If you found this conversation as fascinating as we did, consider sharing it on your social media. And if you want to stay up-to-date with more exciting book-related events, don’t forget to subscribe to The Poisoned Pen newsletter.

John Sandford and Dana Stabenow in conversation

In an event hosted by The Poisoned Pen, acclaimed authors John Sandford and Dana Stabenow engage in a lively discussion about their latest books, inspiration, and writing processes.

John Sandford, known for his popular Prey series, shared insights into his latest latest Letty Davenport novel, Dark Angel, humorously mentioning it could have been titled “Lady Gets Laid” due to a significant relationship development. He also announced he is currently working on a standalone book but can’t reveal much about it yet, other than that it is “a great story”.

Dana Stabenow, famed for her Alaskan-based mysteries, discussed her inspiration from the Alaskan wilderness and the challenges of capturing the essence of her characters. She also introduced her latest book in the Kate Shugak series, Spoils of the Dead, which is set in Alaska and revolves around a mystery involving gas sabotage and wealthy landowners.

Stabenow also touched on the controversial use of AI in book creation, emphasizing the importance of human creativity and the edge it brings to storytelling. Both authors voiced their concerns regarding AI-generated images and the evolving landscape of writing, and expressed their doubts about AI’s ability to write novels with the same level of authenticity and depth as human authors. They also emphasize the importance of creating relatable and diverse characters in their books.

Towards the end, Sandford and Stabenow treated the audience to a book giveaway, adding to the excitement of the event. It was a captivating conversation that showcased the authors’ wit, wisdom, and camaraderie.

If you enjoyed this discussion, feel free to share it on your social media channels and keep an eye out for more exciting events from The Poisoned Pen Bookstore. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest book news and updates.