Linda Castillo, In the Hot Seat

Linda Castillo, author of the Kate Burkholder novels, will be at The Poisoned Pen on Tuesday, July 26 at 7 PM. She’s on book tour for Among the Wicked, her latest novel that takes the police chief out of Ohio’s Amish Country.

Among the Wicked

She was kind enough to take time for an interview. Here’s Linda Castillo, In the Hot Seat.

Linda, I’m so pleased you agreed to sit in the hot seat for an interview. Would you start by introducing yourself to the readers? 

Linda Castillo

Thank you for having me, Lesa.  I love talking about the books (and the hot seat just happens to be my favorite spot!)

I’ve been reading about Kate Burkholder since you first introduced her in 2009, but some might not be familiar with her. Would you introduce Kate?

Kate Burkholder is the chief of police in the small town of Painters Mill located in the heart of Ohio’s Amish country.  What sets Kate apart is that she was born Amish.  Readers learn in the first book that something terrible happened to Kate when she was a fourteen year old Amish girl that eventually lead to her leaving the fold when she was eighteen.  Kate is an imperfect character, but feels things deeply.  Early in the series, she is a little rough around the edges, but as she finds her feet as chief and begins a relationship, she becomes more even keel.

Tell us about Among the Wicked, without spoilers.

I’m so excited about AMONG THE WICKED.  Kate is approached by law enforcement in rural upstate New York after a young Amish girl is found frozen to death inside a mysterious Amish community. The girl’s death is suspicious and rumors abound about the sect—especially with regard to the children.  Kate travels to New York, infiltrates the Amish settlement, and goes deep undercover.  At first, everything seems fine—but nothing is as it seems and evil lurks in the most unexpected places.  In the coming days, she unearths a world built on secrets, a serious of shocking crimes and herself alone, isolated and trapped in a fight for her life.

How do you do your research about the Amish? 

I travel to Ohio’s Amish country every year during book tour (one of the highlights of being an author!)  One of the wonderful librarians I’ve become friends with knows the local Amish community and we’ve visited two Amish families.  One of the families runs a dairy operation.  It was so fascinating just to sit down and chat. Once, while we were visiting another family, we were sitting on the deck having coffee and iced tea, and the Amish gentleman asked me if I’d like to take a buggy ride.  Of course, I took him up on the offer.  He must have seen my excitement because once we got on the road, he asked me if I’d like to drive.  It was a terrific experience—and a lot of fun.

You wrote romantic suspense before you started this series. What made you turn to crime?

While I really enjoyed writing romantic suspense, I feel as though I’ve always been much more suited to writing crime fiction.  During the early days of my career, I found myself always pushing the envelope—and my editors constantly pulling me back.  It was then that I wrote SWORN TO SILENCE, the first book in the Kate Burkholder series.  I just sort of cut loose and, as a writer, it was a wonderful, liberating experience.  I’d found my niche.

Off the writing topic. How did you become interested in barrel racing?

I’ve always loved horses and learned to ride when I was very young.  I’ve always like a bit of speed, too.  (If you’ve ever watched a barrel racing video, you’ll know what I mean!)  Feeling that kind of power from such a majestic animal is such an exhilarating, all encompassing experience. You have to be in the moment and basically forget about everything else (at least for those sixteen or seventeen seconds!)  That is made all the more special when you love your horse the way I do.  All of that said, we’re not very fast.  My mare (who loved barrels) is now semi retired due to arthritis and my gelding is getting up in years.

Where do you take friends when they come to visit? 

My husband and I are very much outdoor types (and homebodies to boot!)  But when we want to show people around, we’d probably take them to Palo Duro Canyon.  It’s the second largest canyon in the US and, some say, Texas’ best kept secret.

Pretend you have the money to live anywhere. You can’t pick Texas. Where would you move, and why?

Okay, since I can’t choose Texas ( J ) I’d have to say north Florida.  My husband and I drove through the area a few years back and there are a  lot of gorgeous horse farms, rolling hills and massive live oak trees.  It’s beautiful country and the perfect place for a ranch.

What’s on the top of your TBR (To Be Read) pile?

I just finished an amazing book by John Hart titled REDEMPTION ROAD.  What a tremendous read.  He’s such a beautiful writer.  Before that, I read Sandra Brown’s MEAN STREAK.  It was quite the thrill ride.  On deck is Nora Robert’s THE OBSESSION.  She’s an amazing writer.

Kate’s job involves sizing up people. What 5 words or phrases would she use to describe you?

I’d love to sit down with Kate and have a beer.  She’s much more interesting than I could ever hope to be.  If I had to come up with a word she might use to describe me . . .   She’d probably think I was pretty boring. J

Thank you! 

Thank YOU, Lesa, for the great questions and for featuring me on your blog.

Linda Castillo’s website is, and her books are available through the Web Store,

Hope you can make it Tuesday, July 26 at 7 PM to meet her!


“Every Summer Has a Story” – Brad’s Picks


If you know Brad Parks, this is an unusual post, lacking most of Brad’s trademark humor. Brad’s the Shamus, Nero, and Lefty Award-winning author of the Carter Ross books, beginning with Faces of the Gone. And, in March, his first thriller will be out, Say Nothing.

Brad took my request seriously when I asked him to pick up to five selections for summer reading. Here are Brad Parks’ suggestions.

THE STEEL KISS by Jeffery Deaver

Lincoln Rhyme is one of the most vivid characters in all of crime fiction—and the fact that he’s quadriplegic is only about the seventh on the list of why. You never know what Rhyme is going to come up with next, and Deaver is so sure-footed with procedural stuff every twist is as believable as it is shocking.

Steel Kiss


YOU WILL KNOW ME by Megan Abbott

What? You don’t know Megan Abbott? My goodness, drop everything. She’s got an unforgettable voice and does more in one sentence than most authors do in a paragraph (or even a page). Her writing is to be savored.

You Will Know Me



This one got a lot of buzz—both for the waves it created in the publishing world and because of the forthcoming movie—and I’m here to say it’s equal of the hype. People who know the business know how good Hamilton is (The Lock Artist is only one of the best crime fiction novels of the millennium), and it’s great to see him getting his due.

Second Life


GUILTY MINDS by Joseph Finder

I’m writing this on July 19, so this just arrived at the top of my TBR. I know it has something to do with a Supreme Court justice, which tells me it’s going to be Finder at his best: writing about powerful people who are seriously screwed. And that’s just good fun.

Guilty Minds


Lisa Lutz is one of those writers who makes me feel dumb, because she’s just so brilliant. In this one, she chronicles a murder suspect on the run, and it’s an exhilarating trip for the character and the reader alike. This is darker than the Spellman books, for which Lutz became known, but it’s mighty tasty.



Thank you, Brad! And, for those of you interested in picking up signed copies of the books Brad Parks mentioned, this is perfect timing. You can find signed copies of most of the titles in the Web Store.

And, since Joseph Finder, author of Guilty Minds, was just at The Poisoned Pen, we have a special giveaway with sales of his book.

“Our copies come with a Pocket-sized (3.5″ x 5″) official Heller Associates Field Journal designed by the author of the sort used by Nick Heller on assignment, modeled on the field notebooks traditionally used by military and intelligence operatives to make observations, on the run or in the field. Perfect for grocery lists — or for your next mission. Or to keep as a collectible.”

Daniel Silva at The Poisoned Pen

Daniel Silva recently appeared at The Poisoned Pen on his book tour for The Black Widow.

Hot Book of the Week (32)

How would you like to have been in the audience? This is a picture of anticipation.

Daniel Silva audience

Then, Silva made his entrance through the audience.

Daniel Silva entrance

He was interviewed by Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen.

Daniel Silva interview

He signed the poster that will hang in the store.

Daniel Silva signing poster

Daniel Silva and Barbara
Barbara Peters and Daniel Silva

And, of course, he signed copies of The Black Widow.

Daniel Silva signing better

Now, if you’re interested in a signed copy of the latest Gabriel Allon thriller, we have them available through the Web Store.

Debut Authors – Megan Miranda & Lili Wright – Livestream

Meet debut authors Megan Miranda and Lili Wright. Well, actually, Megan, author of All the Missing Girls, writes young adult books. This book is her first adult suspense novel. Wright’s debut is Dancing with the Tiger.

We’d love to “introduce” both authors to you. Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen, interviews them here on Livestream.

right again - Lili Barbara Megan
Left to right – Megan Miranda, Barbara Peters, Lili Wright
Lili signing
Lili Wright signing copies of Dancing with the Tiger

Would you like signed copies of either book? You can purchase them at the Web Store.

“Every Summer Has a Story” – Nancy’s Picks

Nancy Herriman

Nancy Herriman writes historical mysteries. Her first Mystery of Old San Francisco was No Comfort for the Lost. Her new one, No Pity for the Dead will be released on August 2. You can order or pre-order them through the Web Store.

Nancy’s one of the authors who responded when I asked people to share their suggestions for summer reading. Check out her picks!

She says, “I almost exclusively read historical mysteries (no surprise that I write them, then), so my recommendations are all set in the past:”

Ruth Downie’s Medicus series; Vita Brevis is the latest. Brings Roman-occupied Britain to life.

Vita Brevis

Alan Bradley’s wonderfully witty Flavia de Luce books set in 1950s England; start at the beginning with “˜The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie‘ and just plow right on through.
Sweetness at the Bottom
Without a doubt my favorite series is Elizabeth Peters’s Amelia Peabody books, which take place in turn-of-the-century Egypt and involve the redoubtable archaeologist, Amelia. Such a shame that Elizabeth Peters has passed away, but there are 19 books in the series to enjoy. (Crocodile on the Sandbank is the first in the series.)
I also love the slyly amusing Marcus Didius Falco series written by Lindsey Davis. Although Falco has retired and handed over the reins of his investigation business to his adopted daughter, the original series is still a hoot to read. (Silver Pigs is the first in the series.)
Silver Pigs
If you’re a fan of historical mysteries, hopefully Nancy Herriman mentioned a series or two you might not have yet read. You can get any of these titles, including Nancy’s, through The Poisoned Pen’s Web Store.

Photos – Outlander Kitchen Signing Party

Now, here’s the party you really wanted to be at, right? It was The Poisoned Pen’s signing party for Outlander Kitchen by Theresa Carle-Sanders. Diana Gabaldon, author of the Outlander books, and Carle-Sanders both signed it.

Outlander Kitchen book

Here’s the book teaser before the photos.

“Take a bite out of Diana Gabaldon’s New York Times bestselling Outlander novels, the inspiration for the hit Starz series, with this immersive official cookbook from founder Theresa Carle-Sanders!

Claire Beauchamp Randall’s incredible journey from postwar Britain to eighteenth-century Scotland and France is a feast for all five senses, and taste is no exception. From Claire’s first lonely bowl of porridge at Castle Leoch to the decadent roast beef served after her hasty wedding to Highland warrior Jamie Fraser, from gypsy stew and jam tarts to fried chicken and buttermilk drop biscuits, there are enough mouth-watering meals along the way to whet the appetite of even the most demanding palate.

Now professional chef and founder of Theresa Carle-Sanders offers up this extraordinary cuisine for your table. Featuring more than one hundred recipes, Outlander Kitchen retells Claire and Jamie’s incredible story through the flavors of the Scottish Highlands, the French Revolution, and beyond. Following the high standards for prodigious research and boundless creativity set by Diana Gabaldon herself, Carle-Sanders draws on the events and characters of the novels to deliver delicious and inventive dishes that highlight local ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. Yet amateur chefs need not fear: These doable, delectable recipes have been updated for today’s modern kitchens.”

Can’t you see yourself sitting in this audience?

Outlander audience

Better yet, can’t you see yourself waiting for Diana Gabaldon to come in, followed by Theresa Carle-Sanders, only to find out that they’re being piped in?

Outlander piped in

Outlander piping in

People even came to Arizona from Southern California for the signing.

Outlander SoCal

Here’s author Theresa Carle-Sanders, Diana Gabaldon, and Poisoned Pen Bookstore owner, Barbara Peters.

Outlander kitchen signing - Barbara

Have I enticed you? Does a menu entice you? “Here are just a few of the dishes that will keep the world of Outlander on your mind morning, noon, and nicht:

“¢ Breakfast: Yeasted Buckwheat Pancakes; A Coddled Egg for Duncan; Bacon, Asparagus, and Wild Mushroom Omelette
“¢ Appetizers: Cheese Savories; Rolls with Pigeons and Truffles; Beer-Battered Corn Fritters
“¢ Soups & Stocks: Cock-a-Leekie Soup; Murphy’s Beef Broth; Drunken Mock-Turtle Soup
“¢ Mains: Peppery Oyster Stew; Slow-Cooked Chicken Fricassee; Conspirators’ Cassoulet
“¢ Sides: Auld Ian’s Buttered Leeks; Matchstick Cold-Oil Fries; Honey-Roasted Butternut Squash
“¢ Bread & Baking: Pumpkin Seed and Herb Oatcakes; Fiona’s Cinnamon Scones; Jocasta’s Auld Country Bannocks
“¢ Sweets & Desserts: Black Jack Randall’s Dark Chocolate Lavender Fudge; Warm Almond Pastry with Father Anselm; Banoffee Trifle at River Run

With full-color photographs and plenty of extras—including cocktails, condiments, and preserves—Outlander Kitchen is an entertainment experience to savor, a wide-ranging culinary crash course, and a time machine all rolled into one. Forgetbon appétit. As the Scots say, ith do leòr!”

Now, if you would like to order a signed copy, you can get them online only through our Web Store.

Book Launch – Anne A. Wilson’s Clear to Lift

The Poisoned Pen recently held a book launch party for Anne A. Wilson and her new book, Clear to Lift.

Clear to Lift

Anne A. Wilson was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. She graduated from the United States Naval Academy and served nine years active duty as a navy helicopter pilot, which included deployment to the Persian Gulf. The Naval Helicopter Association named Anne and her crew Helicopter Aircrew of the Year, an award given for search and rescue. She and her husband currently own Camelback Coaching, a triathlon coaching company. Hover was her debut novel.

The Poisoned Pen knows how to throw a book launch.

Anne Wilson food

That’s the author in the front row in orange.

Anne Wilson's audience

Anne Wilson and Shona Patel
Fellow author Shona Patel with Anne Wilson

Fellow authors, friends, readers showed up. But, here’s the person who made a special trip just to see her. Joan Burtnett was Anne’s fifth grade teacher.

Anne and teacher

We now have signed copies of Clear to Lift in the Web Store. Here’s the description.

“Navy helicopter pilot Lt. Alison Malone has been assigned to a search and rescue team based at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nevada, near the rugged peaks of the Sierra Nevada, and far from her former elite H-60 squadron. A rule follower by nature, Alison is exasperated and outraged every time she flies with her mission commander, Boomer” Marks, for whom military procedures are merely a suggestion. Alison is desperate to be transferred out of the boonies, where careers stagnate, and back to herlife and fiance in San Diego.

Alison’s defenses start to slip when she meets mountain guide Will Cavanaugh during a particularly dicey mission. Will introduces her to a wild, beautiful world of adventure that she has never known before. Stranded on a mountain during a sudden dangerous blizzard, Alison questions every truth she thought she knew about herself. When Will braves the storm to save her life, she must confront the fact that she has been living a lie. But is it too late to change course?

Full of action and adventure, dangerous and heart-stopping rescues, blizzards and floods, family secrets and second chances, Clear to Lift by Anne A. Wilson is a thrilling woman’s journey as she finds confidence, truth, love, and herself against the majestic backdrop of the Sierra Nevada.”

And, here’s where you can purchase a copy.


Photo – Drop-in Signing, John Sandford & Michele Cook

Anne Wilson welcomed authors John Sandford and Michele Cook to The Poisoned Pen the other day for a drop-in book signing.

Anne Wilson, Michele Cook, John Sandford
Left to right – Anne Wilson, Michele Cook and John Sandford

The authors stopped in to sign Rampage, the third in their Young Adult thriller trilogy.


Here’s the summary of that book.

“John Sandford and Michele Cook complete their New York Timesbestselling thriller series in this explosive finale. Fans of James Dashner, Harlan Coben, and Suzanne Collins will love this nail-biting trilogy.

Shay Remby and her band of renegade activists have got the corrupt Singular Corporation on the run. Their expose is finally working. Or is it?

Even as revelations about the human experimental subjects break in the news, Singular’s employees are slithering out of sight. And then their CEO is killed in a plane crash… Was it a freak accident?  Or a cover-up?

Shay’s gang begins to see signs that there may be even more powerful figures than they knew managing events—publicly expressing outrage and mopping up the mess, but secretly gathering up their scientists and moving the operation further out of sight.

It will take nothing short of a rampage to stop the Singular menace for good…”

Are you looking for a new series for the young adult in your life? We have all three books in The Singular Menace series, and they’re all signed by the authors. Start with Uncaged, and move to Outrage.

Check them out in the Web Store now.

“Every Summer Has a Story” – Clea’s Picks

Clea Simon replacement

Poisoned Pen Press publishes Clea Simon’s Pru Marlowe pet noir series. The series features an animal behaviorist who can hear what animals are thinking, most notably her irascible tabby Wallis.

Simon’s books in order, by original Poisoned Pen Press publication date, are: Dogs Don’t Lie (2011), Cats Can’t Shoot (2012), Parrots Prove Deadly (2013), Panthers Play for Keeps (2014), Kittens Can Kill (2015), and When Bunnies Go Bad (2016).

Clea has three suggestions for summer reading. “The Sympathizer has been coming with me to the beach. Never mind the Pulitzer, the Anthony, etc., Viet Thanh Nguyen’s first-person voice grabbed me right away with its immediacy. Besides, I think it’s important to hear from the other side of what is now our second-longest war.”


Simon’s second pick is by an author who regularly appears at The Poisoned Pen. “The Murder of Mary Russell by Laurie R. King is next up. I love this series (which features an aging Sherlock Holmes and his very Holmes-ian American partner/spouse) and this latest installment has gotten wonderful reviews.” Interested in a signed copy of this one? We have them in our Web Store.

Murder of Mary Russell

Clea Simon’s final pick is another by an award-winning author. “Catriona McPherson’s The Child Garden is also on my summer TBR (To Be Read). I came to McPherson’s books through her whimsical historical cozy series, the Dandy GIlver books, but then I read her eerie, darker standalone Quiet Neighbors and I was hooked.”

Child Garden

If Clea has hooked you on any of these titles, check out the Web Store to buy them.

F. Paul Wilson at The Poisoned Pen

Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, recently welcomed F. Paul Wilson for a program and book signing. He’s on his book tour right now for Panacea.


Here’s the description of the book, as it appears on the store’s website.

“Two secret societies vie for control of the ultimate medical miracle – Panacea – in the latest novel by New York Times bestselling author F. Paul Wilson.

Medical examiner Laura Hanning has two charred corpses and no answers. Both bear a mysterious tattoo but exhibit no known cause of death. Their only connection to one another is a string of puzzling miracle cures. Her preliminary investigation points to a cult in the possession of the fabled panacea – the substance that can cure all ills – but that’s impossible.

Laura finds herself unknowingly enmeshed in an ancient conflict between the secretive keepers of the panacea and the equally secretive and far more deadly group known only as 536, a brotherhood that fervently believes God intended for humanity to suffer, not be cured. Laura doesn’t believe in the panacea, but that doesn’t prevent the agents of 536 from trying to kill her.

A reclusive, terminally ill billionaire hires Laura to research the possibility of the panacea. The billionaire’s own body guard, Rick Hayden, a mercenary who isn’t who he pretends to be, has to keep her alive as they race to find the legendary panacea before the agents of 536 can destroy it.”

Would you like to see photos of the event?

F Paul 3
Barbara Peters and F. Paul Wilson

F. Paul 1 better

F Paul 2

F Paul signing beter
Lining up for book signing

F Paul and Barbara Panacea

F Paul and big sign

Of course, we have signed copies of Panacea for sale in the Web Store. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?