Fiction Review
7 Book series perfect for binge reading
Series for Binge Readers as recommended by Redbook Magazine.
Watch the slide show. I’m very proud of my own Poisoned Pen Press author Mary Anna Evans ranking right in their with Sara Paretsky and others.
To purchase Mary Anna Evan’s books, or any of the other wondeful titles:
Anne A. Wilson, author of Hover
Last Tuesday the store had the distinct pleasure of hosting new author Anne A. Wilson for the launch of Hover. We’d been hearing the buzz from everyone who had read it, and were so happy to see the hundred plus smiling faces that evening. Anne was wonderful to work with and we’re all looking forward to the next book when it comes. Here is a blog post from Anne about our store founder Barbara Peters. Take a look!
A letter from author Michael Harvey, appearing on Tuesday, June 16th at 7:00 PM
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at the Poisoned Pen this summer. I wanted to give you some quick news, as well as a little background on my latest Michael Kelly novel (and my favorite!), THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE.
First, the news. GK Films and Graham King, producer of THE DEPARTED and THE TOWN, bought the movie rights to a crime thriller I’m just finishing set in Boston. The working title for the novel is BRIGHTON and I’m hoping it will be out next summer. Here’s a link with details on the movie deal.
As for THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE, the idea for the book was born in the winter of 2011. I was watching a live chopper shot of Rod Blagojevich drive down the Edens en route to his sentencing hearing when a little ping went off in my head.
What if the former governor’s black SUV pulled up to the Dirksen Federal Building and the back seat turned out to be empty? What if Rod split and took 40 million in cash with him? What if he became Chicago’s version of Whitey Bulger? What if he left his wife holding the bag?
And so the first seed was sown. As the novel grew, it turned out to be something quite different that what I expected. And something I enjoyed writing very much.
Hope you guys like it. See you in June.
Michael Harvey
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at the Poisoned Pen this summer. I wanted to give you some quick news, as well as a little background on my latest Michael Kelly novel (and my favorite!), THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE.
First, the news. GK Films and Graham King, producer of THE DEPARTED and THE TOWN, bought the movie rights to a crime thriller I’m just finishing set in Boston. The working title for the novel is BRIGHTON and I’m hoping it will be out next summer. Here’s a link with details on the movie deal.
As for THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE, the idea for the book was born in the winter of 2011. I was watching a live chopper shot of Rod Blagojevich drive down the Edens en route to his sentencing hearing when a little ping went off in my head.
What if the former governor’s black SUV pulled up to the Dirksen Federal Building and the back seat turned out to be empty? What if Rod split and took 40 million in cash with him? What if he became Chicago’s version of Whitey Bulger? What if he left his wife holding the bag?
And so the first seed was sown. As the novel grew, it turned out to be something quite different that what I expected. And something I enjoyed writing very much.
Hope you guys like it. See you in June.
Michael Harvey
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at the Poisoned Pen this summer. I wanted to give you some quick news, as well as a little background on my latest Michael Kelly novel (and my favorite!), THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE.
First, the news. GK Films and Graham King, producer of THE DEPARTED and THE TOWN, bought the movie rights to a crime thriller I’m just finishing set in Boston. The working title for the novel is BRIGHTON and I’m hoping it will be out next summer. Here’s a link with details on the movie deal.
As for THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE, the idea for the book was born in the winter of 2011. I was watching a live chopper shot of Rod Blagojevich drive down the Edens en route to his sentencing hearing when a little ping went off in my head.
What if the former governor’s black SUV pulled up to the Dirksen Federal Building and the back seat turned out to be empty? What if Rod split and took 40 million in cash with him? What if he became Chicago’s version of Whitey Bulger? What if he left his wife holding the bag?
And so the first seed was sown. As the novel grew, it turned out to be something quite different that what I expected. And something I enjoyed writing very much.
Hope you guys like it. See you in June.
Michael Harvey
oking forward to seeing everyone back at the Poisoned Pen this summer. I wanted to give you some quick news, as well as a little background on my latest Michael Kelly novel (and my favorite!), THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE.
First, the news. GK Films and Graham King, producer of THE DEPARTED and THE TOWN, bought the movie rights to a crime thriller I’m just finishing set in Boston. The working title for the novel is BRIGHTON and I’m hoping it will be out next summer. Here’s a link with details on the movie deal.
As for THE GOVERNOR’S WIFE, the idea for the book was born in the winter of 2011. I was watching a live chopper shot of Rod Blagojevich drive down the Edens en route to his sentencing hearing when a little ping went off in my head.
What if the former governor’s black SUV pulled up to the Dirksen Federal Building and the back seat turned out to be empty? What if Rod split and took 40 million in cash with him? What if he became Chicago’s version of Whitey Bulger? What if he left his wife holding the bag?
And so the first seed was sown. As the novel grew, it turned out to be something quite different that what I expected. And something I enjoyed writing very much.
Hope you guys like it. See you in June.
Michael Harvey
A Note from Daniel Palmer on TRAUMA
Neil Griffin signs Benefit of the Doubt thia Friday, May 15th at 7:00 PM
Hi Readers,
This Friday, Neal Griffin will be joining us to discuss his new book, Benefit of the Doubt. The book is about a police officer who commits an act of abusive force so egregious that it lands him in a media firestorm. An experienced police officer himself, Neil is the perfect person to explore this extremey relevant, if not prescient, story. Here are a few interesting write ups from newspapers on Neal and the book.