Brian Klingborg discusses The Magistrate

Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen, recently welcomed Brian Klingborg for a virtual event. Klingborg’s latest Inspector Lu Fei novel, The Magistrate, takes readers back to China. There are signed copies of The Magistrate available in the Webstore.

A brutal murder investigation with connections to corruption at the very highest level threatens not just the career but also the life of Inspector Lu Fei in Brian Klingborg’s latest mystery…

BRIAN KLINGBORG has both a B.A. (University of California, Davis) and an M.A. (Harvard) in East Asian Studies and spent years living and working in Asia. He currently works in early childhood educational publishing and lives in New York City. Klingborg is also the author of Kill Devil Falls.

Enjoy the conversation about China and Klingborg’s The Magistrate.