Laurie R. King, author of the Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, are good friends who have traveled together frequently. And, Peters brought up various books from her “Laurie R. King collection in her library” in their recent book chat.
One of King’s books, Dreaming Spies, is set in Japan.

King and Peters spend quite a bit of time reminiscing about their trip to Japan. And, then they talked about the trip that led to Laurie R. King’s forthcoming book, Riviera Gold. The book will be released June 9, and King and Peters will have another book chat for that book’s release. Watch for future details of the June virtual event.

Then, they talked about Mary Russell’s War, and a contest Laurie R. King is holding.

Look for copies of Laurie R. King’s books in the Web Store. And, check out Laurie R. King’s website with her newsletters and “Fun Stuff”,
Enjoy the chat between Laurie R. King and Barbara Peters.