Steven F. Havill’s Less Than a Moment is the twenty-fourth mystery in the Posadas County series. Readers will want to catch up with the ongoing characters in this series set in a border community in southwestern New Mexico. You can find Less Than a Moment, and Havill’s other books, in the Web Store.

Roz Shea recently reviewed Less Than a Moment for She said, “The Posadas County that Havill has created is so tangible, you feel that if you walked down its streets, you would be greeted by old friends.” You can read her entire review here.
At Kevin’s Corner, Kevin Tipple says, “This is a series where characters age, relationships evolve over time, and always present is the stark beauty of Posadas County, New Mexico. That aspect, a distinct and deep appreciation of setting, is always raised to a level that is its own constant presence in the series. The setting is a character in its own right.”
Here’s the summary of the latest Posadas County mystery, Less Than a Moment.
In less than a moment, unexplained intentions, then murder, upend life in Posadas County, New Mexico
Posadas County, sitting along New Mexico’s southern border, has enjoyed a surge in visitors, jobs, and prosperity since rancher Miles Waddell used much of his inherited half billion to create an internationally renowned astronomy complex atop Torrance Mesa. Passion, not profit, drives Waddell. Yet benefits include a narrow gauge train linking the village of Posadas to NightZone. It’s a boon to employees and for nature lovers, hikers, and birders as well as star gazers.
A ripple of unease is felt across the county with the arrival of developer—no, speculator—Kyle Thompson. Why did he and his wife quietly purchase a large scrubby acreage to the north of NightZone? Any light pollution would jeopardize Waddell’s success. “Lights are like cancer cells. One comes, others follow.”
Unease grows with a drive-by shoot-up at the Posadas Register, its 25 shots wounding a reporter and the paper’s editor. Sheriff Bob Torrez and Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman see a connection to NightZone…and worse, a connection with Torrez’s own nephew. Why?
And then murder strikes…