Booknews April 2021

April is the cruelest coolest month… Although the weather is heating up here at The Pen, we’re keeping cool. In the April 2021 Booknews, you’ll read about our amazing lineup or virtual events, new signed books galore, and much more…

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Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child discuss The Scorpion’s Tail

In an amazing online event hosted by The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, bestselling authors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child discussed their latest book, The Scorpion’s Tail, the second book in the Nora Kelly series.

They explained how they decided to spin off Nora from the Pendergast series and pair her with newly minted FBI agent Corey Swanson. They delved into the intricate relationship between their characters, Nora Kelly and Corey Swanson, shedding light on how these two strong-willed women navigate their differences in the face of a spine-tingling discovery.

The authors also discussed their inspiration for Old Bones, based on the Donner Party and a gruesome, lesser-known story that allowed them to blend fact and fiction. They also shared the challenges they faced with Paramount Pictures, who own the rights to the Pendergast character. They expressed their frustration with the studio’s inaction in making a Pendergast TV series or selling the rights to another studio, despite the popularity of their books.

The duo also shared their deep connection to the American Southwest and how it played a pivotal role in crafting the novel’s evocative setting. The discussion even veered into the rich history of treasure hidden within mission churches—a fascinating backdrop to the story.

Throughout the event, Preston and Child took questions from eager fans, peeling back the curtain on their writing process, sharing their favorite literary gems, and even pondering casting choices for a potential Pendergast series.

If you caught this enlightening exchange between two literary maestros, don’t keep it to yourself! Share on social media and spread the book-love. And for a regular dose of Poisoned Pen goodness, why not subscribe to our newsletter? You’ll get exclusive content and updates about upcoming book events.