Thomas Perry, author of Eddie’s Boy, answered an unusual question from Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen. Why does he skip around as he writes series, going from one to another? His answer? He was born with a short attention span. You’ll want to catch the entire virtual conversation. But, first, you’ll want to check out all of Perry’s books that are available through the Web Store, including signed copies of Eddie’s Boy, the latest book in the Butcher’s Boy series.
Here’s Eddie’s Boy.

Michael Shaeffer is a retired American businessman, living peacefully in England with his aristocratic wife. But her annual summer party brings strangers to their house, and with them, an attempt on Michael’s life. He is immediately thrust into action, luring his lethal pursuers to Australia before venturing into the lion’s den—the States—to figure out why the mafia is after him again, and how to stop them.
Eddie’s Boy jumps between Michael’s current predicament and the past, between the skillset he now ruthlessly and successfully employs and the training that made him what he is. We glimpse the days before he became the Butcher’s Boy, the highly skilled hit man who pulled a slaughter job on some double-crossing clients and started a mob war, to his childhood spent apprenticed to Eddie, a seasoned hired assassin. And we watch him pit two prominent mafia families against each other to eliminate his enemies one by one.
He’s meticulous in his approach, using an old contact turned adversary in the Organized Crime Division of the Justice Department for information, without ever allowing her to get too close to his trail. But will he be able to escape this new wave of young contract killers, or will the years finally catch up to him?
Perry’s Edgar Award”“winning Butcher’s Boy returns in full force in this exhilarating new installment to the beloved series.
Enjoy the virtual event with Thomas Perry.