Actually, author Paige Shelton has just given all of us a gift. She kicked off a new mystery series set in Alaska. You can find signed copies of that new book, Thin Ice, along with Shelton’s other books, through the Web Store. https://bit.ly/2DiEf8P

If you pick any of her books, or any of her gift suggestions, there’s still time to have them mailed for the holidays by Dec. 16.
Here’s Paige Shelton’s suggested gift titles.
There is no better gift than a book ““ giving or receiving. I have a special shelf just for the book gifts I’ve received, and it’s the shelf I revisit the most. It holds many of the books that changed something in me; either the way I read or the way I write or both. If I were to choose the top book gifts I’ve received, I’d start with:
A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton.
An oldie but a goodie. If, for whatever reason, you have missed this series or you know someone who has, you simply can’t go wrong with this one, the first in the wonderful Kinsey Millhone series. I wish I could read it again for the first time.

Murder in Rat Alley by Mark de Castrique. I managed an early read of this great book. It’s a mystery on top of an old mystery. It’s not Syfy, but there’s mention of aliens, and I loved getting to know the characters. It’s book seven in a series, but I was okay jumping in for the first time, and I think giving this one to someone new to the series would be just fine.

The Great Alone by Kristen Hannah
Ms. Hannah is an incredible writer, there’s no doubt, but of the books of hers I’ve read, this is my favorite. The story takes place in Alaska in the mid-seventies. Hannah’s writing evokes such a sense of place, I had to blink my way back to reality every time I finished reading a chapter or two. It’s a brutal story with some graphic violence, but the story and the writing are too good to miss.

Books I’ve Put on My Santa List:
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
Lots of buzz about this one, and with a title like that!

American Predator, The Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century, by Maureen Callahan
Not to be stuck on serial killers or anything, but I came across this killer when I was working on an Alaska article. Man oh man, this guy was terrifying and I really want to know his story.

And, I could never forget:
Blue Moon by Lee Child
It’s always a good time for a new Jack Reacher fix.

Happy Holidays to everyone!