Barbara Peters, owner of The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, says 70 percent of the store’s customers are from outside of Arizona. That means many of you who read the blog and order books may have never seen the actual physical bookstore. With the earlier article in the Arizona Republic about the bookstore’s 30th anniversary, Carly Bowling from the newspaper took a number of photos.
Here’s a virtual tour of the bookstore, using Bowling’s pictures.

Poisoned Pen Bookstore marked its 30th anniversary Oct. 3. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC


A display celebrating Banned Book Week at Poisoned Pen Bookstore, September 24, 2019. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Barbara G. Peters started Poisoned Pen Bookstore 30 years ago. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Barbara G. Peters started Poisoned Pen Bookstore 30 years ago. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Poisoned Pen Bookstore is known for the many author events it hosts. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Poisoned Pen Bookstore sells books to customers all over the world, September 24, 2019. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Posters of book covers, photos famous visitors and a large paper dragon are just some of the items decorating Poisoned Pen Bookstore, September 24, 2019. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Poisoned Pen Bookstore marked its 30th anniversary Oct. 3. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Poisoned Pen Bookstore started as a specialty store for mystery novels. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Barbara G. Peters says 70 percent of Poisoned Pen Bookstore’s customers are from outside of Arizona, September 24, 2019. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC

Barbara G. Peters opened Poisoned Pen Bookstore thirty years ago, September 24, 2019. CARLY BOWLING/THE REPUBLIC