In the Midmonth BookNotes you’ll read about the latest in romance and women’s fiction, hand-picked for you by our resident expert, John Charles. This month’s issue includes new releases by Jenn McKinlay, Sherry Thomas and Katherine Center.
We invite you to read current and past BookNews!
Booknews September 2020
A Stellar September! Fall is off to a great start with a simply amazing list of virtual author events, signed first editions, and new releases.
Midmonth BookNotes August 2020
The Midmonth Booknotes spotlights the latest in romance and women’s fiction, selected by our own resident expert, John Charles. This month’s issue features new releases by Suzanne Rindell, Hannah Dennison and Finola Austin.
Booknews August 2020
An Amazing August indeed! New releases, virtual events galore, and a special section on nature books, perfect for those summertime quarantine blues.
Midmonth BookNotes ““ July 2020
In the July Midmonth BookNotes you’ll read about the latest in mystery, romance, and women’s fiction.
Booknews July 2020
In the July BookNews you’ll read about all the forthcoming books and a host of virtual events
Midmonth BookNotes – June 2020
In the Midmonth BookNotes you’ll read about the latest in romance and women’s fiction, selected for you by John Charles, our resident expert. This month’s issue features new releases by Kristan Higgins, Hazel, Prior, Abbi Waxman and many others.
Booknews June 2020
Turning on the Heat for June! Loads of new signed books and virtual events to keep you cool this summer.
Midmonth Book Notes – May 2020
In the May 2020 issue of the Midmonth Book Notes, you’ll read about the latest in romance and women’s fiction, selected by our resident expert, John Charles!
May 2020 Booknews Part 2
Still more great books and events for May