For the reader of British mystery, traditional and contemporary, trade paperbacks or unsigned hardcover books published in the US or the UK. One unsigned paperback or hardcover per month.
January: Alice Feeney. Beautiful Ugly
February: Laura McCluskey. The Wolf Tree
January: Blake, Matthew. Anna O.
February: Schillace, Brandy. The Framed Women of Ardemore House
March: Perrin, Kristen. How to Solve Your Own Murder.
April: Anthony Horowitz. Close to Death.
May: Susan Fletcher. The Night in Question.
June: Ellery Lloyd. The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby
July: Clare Pooley. How to Age Dis-Gracefully
August: Sally Smith. A Case of Mice and Murder
September: A.E. Gauntlett. The Stranger at the Wedding
October: Jo Callahan. Leave No Trace
November: Emma Bamford. Eye of the Beholder
December: Deborah Fowler. A St Ives Christmas Mystery
January: Elliott, Lexie. Bright and Dangerous Things
February: Crombie, Deborah. A Killing of Innocents.
March: Kelly, Erin. The Skeleton Key.
April: Robinson, Peter. Standing in the Shadows.
May: Weaver, Ashley. Playing it Safe
June: Mead, Tom. The Murder Wheel
July: Hay, Alex. The House Keepers.
August: Fields, Helen. The Institution
September: Cleeves, Ann. The Raging Storm
October: Kelly, Julia. A Traitor in Whitehall.
November: Macmillan, Gilly. The Manor House
December: Charlotte Vassel. The Other Half.
Jan: Robotham, Michael. When You Are Mine
Feb: Hallett, Janice. The Appeal
March: Lloyd, Sam. The Rising Tide
April: Lloyd, Ellery. The Club
May: Shemilt, Jane, The Patient & Thorogood, Robert. The Marlow Murder Club
June: Hawtrey, Evie. And by Fire
July Toyne, Simon. Dark Objects
August Cannon, Joanna. A Tidy Ending
Sept: Feeney, Alice. Daisy Darker
Oct: Cambridge, Colleen. A Trace of Poison
Nov: Mackintosh, Clare. The Last Party
December: MacBird, Bonnie. What Child is This? A Sherlock Holmes Christmas Story (Harper Collins, $26.99).
Jan: Gosling, Victoria. Before the Ruins
Feb: Thomas, Russ. Nighthawking
March: Griffiths, Elly. The Postscript Murders
April: Johnstone, Carole. Mirrorland
May: Montclair, Allison. A Rogue’s Company
June: Michaelides. The Maidens
July: Paris, BA. The Therapist
Aug: Hawkins, Paula. A Slow Fire Burning
Sept. Jewell, Lisa. The Night She Disappeared
Oct.: Rader-Day, Lori. Death at Greenway
Nov. Glenconner, Lady Anne. A Haunting at Holkham
Jan: Steadman, Catherine. Mr Nobody
Feb: Airth, Rennie. The Decent Inn of Death
March: Thomas, Russ. Firewatching
April: Bruce, Camilla. You Let Me In
May: Forry, Lauren A. They Did Bad Things
June: North, Alex. The Shadows
July. Feeney, Alice. His & Hers
Aug: Perks, Heidi. Three Perfect Liars
Sept.: Cleeves, Ann. The Darkest Evening
Oct.: McDermid, Val. Still Life
Nov: Macmillan, Gilly. To Tell You the Truth
Dec. Horowitz, Anthony. The Moonflower Murders