What do authors do when they’re in town for an event at The Poisoned Pen, and they have free time? Well, authors Laurie King and Ellen Crosby went shopping at the Desert Botanical Gardens with bookstore owner Barbara Peters. Actually, they were at the Chocolate and Chili Festival there.

Check out those bags that Laurie and Barbara are carrying.
This Sunday is Shopping Sunday – not just for books but for cookies and other delicious treats from ace local baker David. He will have samples to taste and bags to buy.
You noticed the bags Laurie King and Barbara were carrying – the contents were by David! Barbara is hooked on the Butter Peca/Tart Cherry biscotti but that’s just one of the exciting flavors and cookies he offers. There are gluten-free treats too.
It’s an extra treat for our 7 Author Holiday Party starting at 2:00 PM Sunday. And there will be other food for nibbles as well.