This week, Poisoned Pen Press lost an author, and the crime fiction community lost a friend who showed up to support other authors. But, we lost so much more. Here’s a portion of the note that was on Frederick Ramsay’s Facebook page, written by his daughter, Eleanor Ramsay.

“Dear friends and fans of Fred. It is my sad task to let you know that he passed away into the arms of the angels in the early morning hours of August 23. He had been battling an aggressive return of kidney cancer and, despite our hopes that he might benefit from new immunotherapy treatments, the cancer could not be contained. If you know him, you knew that he was the definition of a Renaissance Man. He was a teacher, ordained minister, scholar, artist and, of course, a writer of 19 wonderful mysteries. He had almost finished his 20th book, The Onion, which will be completed and published.”
Here’s the information about the service, and the livestream.