For Fans of Peter Tremayne & Sister Fidelma

The International Sister Fidelma Society


The Féile Fidelma Weekend

Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, September 8-10, 2017

The Féile Fidelma, first held in 2006, is now the longest running three day gathering of fans devoted to the work of a single living author, Peter Tremayne, and his international bestselling Sister Fidelma Mysteries.  Set in Ireland in the 7th Century, the Sister Fidelma mysteries are published in the USA by Minotaur, part of St Martins Press, New York, with audio books from Audible, USA.

The last Féile was attended by enthusiasts from 15 countries. It was opened by the then Irish Government’s Minister for the Environment, Alan Kelly TD, who described the series as “˜a national treasure’.   

The Organising Committee of the Féile Fidelma has now confirmed the program for the weekend and registration fees.

The registration fee, covering reception, all the talks, coffee breaks, excursion and the Saturday gala banquet, will be Euro €190 or currency equivalents. If people register before May 1, there will be a 10% discount at €170.  As usual registration will be made via the Cashel Arts Fest website  The link is now up and running: simply click on “˜Other Events’ and then click on “˜Féile Fidelma’ where you can register and pay.  This can be done by the PayPal secure system

The Féile Fidelma will start at 6.30 pm on Friday evening at the 15th Century Hall of the Vicars Choral on The Rock.  Registration, wine reception and the official opening of the Féile by Seán Canney TD, Irish Minister of State for the Office of Public Works. This is followed by an evening with Peter Tremayne, talking about “˜Fidelma: Pseudo-History and History’, chaired by David R. Wooten.

On Saturday, September 9, the events will be held at The Brú Ború Centre adjacent to The Rock.  Talks will start at 9.30 a.m.  With a talk by Professor Nancy Marck Cantwell, chair of the English Department of Daemen College, Amherst, New York, on the Fidelma novels.  After the coffee break.  Marteinn Thorisson, the TV scriptwriter, will be talking on “˜Scripting Fidelma’ for the projected TV series.

This will be followed by a presentation by Hans van den Boom of De Leeskamer, launching a special English-language collectors’ edition of the second Fidelma graphic novel, Shroud for the Archbishop. The morning then finishes with Peter Tremayne preparing attendees for the afternoon excursion to Knockgraffon – “˜Knockgraffon – The Fidelma Connection’. The ancient historic site is where the Kings of Munster were inaugurated before the capital moved to Cashel in the 3/4th Century AD.

Saturday at 2.30 pm ““ 5.30 pm (approx) will be coach excursion to Knockgraffon.

From 7.00 pm attendees assemble for gala dinner in Brú Ború Centre.  During the dinner we will have some readings from the Fidelma novels by Irish actress Caroline Lennon (“˜The Voice of Fidelma’ who has recorded all the Fidelma novels on Audio Books both for the UK and USA.)  

On Sunday, 10th September, the program begins at 10.00 a.m. This starts with Dr Patrick Gleeson (University of Newcastle and formerly of University College Cork) ““ “˜Looking for Fidelma’s Cashel ““ The Eóghanacht Dynasty and the geo-phys survey of The Rock of Cashel’.  Dr Gleeson is the first archaeologist to have been allowed to conduct a geo-phys survey of The Rock.  

After the coffee break Dr Kevin Murray (University College Cork) will speak about “˜The Myths and Legends relating to the Plain of Femen’ (the Cashel area).  The morning will end will David R. Wooten, director of the Fidelma Society and editor of The Brehon  who, as usual,  talks about  “˜The Féile and International Sister Fidelma Society ““ Past and Future’  inviting the attendees to make their views and suggestions known. This ends the formal functions and Sunday afternoon the attendees are free to wander Cashel town or visit The Rock.

All attendees, as part of their “˜welcome package’ will receive a copy of the 52 page, full color, programme booklet.

Because of the enthusiasm of previous years, this year there will be extra “˜fringe events’. See the program on the Castle Arts Fest website and link to the Féile.

Further information about The International Sister Fidelma Society, whose base is in Little Rock, Arkansas, can be had from its director David Robert Wooten at [email protected] . The Society was formed, with the author’s approval, in 2002 and, as well as its website (, issues a 20 page magazine (The Brehon), thrice yearly with full color photos etc., devoted to the series and its author. This has been issued without break since 2002. Membership of the Fidelma Society is world wide and the books are translated into a score of languages.     

Issued by:

The International Sister Fidelma Society

PMB No 312

1818 North Taylor Street, Suite B

Little Rock. AR 72207,